The richness of the collection can be understood by the range of arms including breast plates, helmets, baton, cannon shots, rifles, swords, pistols, petard, daggers, mortars etc; the range of porcelains including table wares of the British officers and ‘nawabs’ of Arcot; large variety of portraits including paintings displaying George III and his consort, Queen Victoria and Robert Clive, Sir Arthur Havelock and the earliest depiction of Fort St. George in 1738 and a gamut of miscellaneous articles comprising silverware from the churches and tranquebar etc. The portrait gallery contains oil paintings of former governors of Madras ( Chennai), kings and queens of England and nawabs of the Karnataka. The prints section contains 18th century views of Fort St. George, Mount St. Thomas, Tanjore, Tirunelveli and other historical places. The Armoury Section contains weapons that give an idea of the Madras (presently Chennai) army organized in 1752. Other antiquities are displayed in the two halls. In one of the halls to the right are exhibited medals and coins of Madras (Chennai), Bombay ( Mumbai) and Bengal mints as also those of the Portuguese, French and Danes. The other hall contains the East India Company and Arcot Porcelain manufactured at Canton in England. In the next hall are shown the silver communion vessels of St. Mary’s Church, a model of Fort St. George, the palanquin of the Nawab of Arcot and the old locks and keys of Fort St. George.
The curator or junior gallery assistant takes round visitors, particularly teachers and students on request. A library is built up. It is mainly for departmental reference and contains thousands of books and periodicals. Adequate labels are provided in the galleries in two languages, English and Tamil. The university and other educational institutions sponsor organized visits to the museum. An illustrated pamphlet on the Fort St. George Museum published in the Madras (Chennai) Information and of which several thousand imprints have been supplied by the Director of Information, Chennai are distributed free to interested visitors. It is under the Superintendent, Museums Branch of the Department of Archaeology, Government of India. The museum is located in Fort St. George and being a museum of the British relics, it is ideally situated and is easily accessible. Hundreds of people visit the museum daily. On special occasions like the Christmas holidays, Mattupougal Day, the day following Vaikuntha Ekadasi and Independence Day, there is a larger rush of visitors. The building is suitable, but requires more gallery and storage space. There are amenities in the shape of fans, seats, etc. for visitors. The sources of acquisition are only purchase, donation and loan as the museum is not yet recognized for treasure trove purposes. It is an institutional member of the Museums Association of India.